
175年来,伯洛伊特学院改变了人们的生活. 全身心投入运动是我们在接下来的175年里支持学院的号召.



  • Linda Joslin Rosenberg'61

    Linda Joslin Rosenberg'61


    On a particularly cold day, I mentioned to Professor Bill Jones, the head of the music department, that I was thinking of transferring to the University of Miami because they had courses not offered at Beloit. One was a course in how to instruct the piano. He set up a course with Marjorie Sweet, my piano teacher, and gave his daughter and two children of our band instructor to teach. The music department was like a family, and I was glad I stayed.

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  • David Eisenberg'77


    Jerry Gustafson and Les McAllister were amazing professors and mentors. They encouraged their students to challenge themselves in economics and to capture the full breadth of a liberal arts education. Importantly, they both also encouraged leadership and engagement with the broader community as well. I still value their lessons today. (The attached photo is from my graduation, with Dr. Gustafson standing to my right.)

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  • Hannah Yee'19

    Hannah Yee'19


    Professor Ron Watson guided my Honors Term Project, which focused on the intersection between Rock County’s rate of sexually transmitted infections and the opioid epidemic. He pushed me to collaborate with community organizations, collect ethnographies and use my findings to inform the work of the Beloit Public Health Initiative.

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  • Katelynn Sinclair'20

    Katelynn Sinclair'20


    My friends were incredibly supportive of me for all four years and beyond. I can’t imagine having anyone better in my life. I’m so happy that we’re still gathering and supporting each other, like at Megan Pollpeter Cullison and Alex Cullison’s wedding with Andy Rich, Lydia Travers, and me (all from the Class of 2020).

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  • Jonathan Mason'80

    Jon Mason'80

    Economics & International Relations

    I hated studying German so much I was about to quit. Then Professor Bob Irrmann convinced me to tough it out so I could attend a seminar in Hamburg the next year. I did. And I not only became fluent in German, I stayed to work there, leading to a long career in international business.

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  • Alfonso Colasuonno'06

    Alfonso Colasuonno'06

    Creative Writing

    DeVon Wilson’90, Lee Gray’98, Nick Ewoldt, and Phyllis Hill from Beloit’s TRIO and McNair programs inspired me to set my aspirations high in life. I could relate to them because they showed that a commitment to low-income, first-generation students like me wasn’t just “lip service,” but that they truly cared and wanted the best for me and everyone else. Throughout my entire time they set the bar high and inspired me to make my dreams a reality, while also making the most of my education and time at Beloit.

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  • Judy Schroeder'81

    Judy Schroeder'81

    International Relations, Spanish

    I had Professor Nicholas Paley for one class as a Porter Scholar student in high school. We focused on a book of short stories that he made sure we understood every word of—and, if we didn’t, to expect a quick public scolding in class! He taught us the importance of truly comprehending what we were reading. I used to pop into his office when I was in WAC for classes, and he always greeted me with a smile and something nice to say.

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  • Christina Hildebrandt'89

    Christina Hildebrandt'89

    Modern Languages and Literatures

    Professor of Russian Nicholas Paley opened my eyes to what an academic life could be like: working for the Vatican, translating Nahuatl, becoming an expert in an obscure but fascinating area. He also inspired me to want to live an inspiring life so that others find inspiration in me!

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  • Cecily Majerus'80

    Cecily Majerus'80


    Professor Milt Feder’s free-wheeling classroom discussions made you realize that, in life as in international relations, things are not black and white. They’re complicated, and often there’s no right or wrong. Yet no matter how intense the debate, he sprinkled in humor and showed respect for everybody’s opinion, quite eye-opening for someone fresh out of high school like me.

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  • Oceana Gilliam'17

    Oceana R. Gilliam'17

    Russian & Political Science

    Professor Donna Oliver supported me since my very first day at Beloit. As my Russian faculty 顾问, she guided me through my Russian study abroad program, introduced me to the work of poet Alexander Pushkin, and mentored me as a Ronald E. McNair Research Scholar.

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  • Jim Winter'97

    Jim Winter'97

    Creative Writing

    Professor Tom McBride taught me to think differently about the world. His approaches to sharing his vast knowledge with us were unorthodox but always entertaining. He challenged me to see the world differently and consider all perspectives. His unique combination of matter-of-factness and dry humor made learning from him all the more enjoyable.

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  • Tom Mullaney'61

    Tom Mullaney'61


    In the fall of 1958, I was a transfer student to Beloit. Professor Les McAllister, as my 顾问, was the first staff I met. Other than U.S. Economic History, I can’t remember any other economics courses I took my first semester, but eventually I took all of his. He gave me an interest in economics that continues to this day.

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  • Laurence Pimentel'67

    Laurence Pimentel'67

    Government & English Composition

    Dr. Feder inspired a lifelong interest in politics and American political history in me. Since graduating from Beloit in 1967, I have worked with many organizations dedicated to civil rights, public education, health care reform, and separation of church and state. Dr. Feder’s excellent lectures spurred me to read all I could about these issues and get involved!

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  • Audrey Grettie'99

    Audrey Grettie'99

    Anthropology/Art History

    Ian Nie, Tamara Hamlish, Nancy Krusko, Jo Ortel, and so many others made my Beloit experience special. I was a naive and sheltered suburban kid when I stepped onto Beloit’s campus in 1994. While I was there, I was introduced to ideas, art, cultures, and people from around the world. I was taught to think critically about world events, the human condition, and ethical issues. It has forever shaped how I move through my life.

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  • Ian Semple'61

    Ian Semple'61


    During the many years of my post-Beloit life, the teachings of Dr. Hank Woodard, “The Chief,” are always remembered not just for the geological knowledge he taught, and the excitement of the learning he imparted, but also more importantly for those aspects of living that are vital to self and those around you, namely diligence, resourcefulness, hard work, teamwork, honesty, and respect for oneself and others in the face of adversity. These are all lessons within, but also well beyond, the boundaries of geology. The Chief has always remained one of my heroes in life.

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有没有一个教授, 顾问, 或者是那些不辞辛苦地看着你成功的校友, 或者与你进行一场变革式的对话 你记得这一天?


那我们就邀请你全身心地投入到伯洛伊特学院 现在.


在过去的几年里, 在面对日益激烈的生源和高素质教授竞争的同时,伯洛伊特大学采取了大胆的措施来加强其财务状况.

学院偿还了大部分债务,领导层起草了《真人国际菠菜》, 旨在使高度个性化的教育使伯洛伊特在当今瞬息万变的世界中脱颖而出.

伯洛伊特现在提供更密集的学生辅导, 一个连接大学和职业的强大项目, 更大的经济援助计划,以帮助学生和他们的家庭跟上当今高等教育的成本.



2020年2月, 贝洛伊特公开发起了一项非同寻常的筹款活动:全力以赴,在未来五年内筹集5400万美元的无限制支持.

校友和朋友们的反应, 即使在COVID-19大流行期间也是如此, 非常了不起, 事实上.


Be All in活动中包含的内容? 




该学院制定了一项强有力的五年财务计划来应对不利因素. 入学人数的增长需要几年的时间, 在此期间, 我们邀请我们的校友和朋友加入我们的建设 我们可以在跑道上滑行,直到我们的人数和净学费收入反弹. 

好消息? 这个计划已经开始奏效了. 

  • 我们对COVID的应对和成功受到了全国的广泛关注, 还有我们快乐、乐于参与的学生们:我们是一个成功的故事,但我们仍然充满冒险精神, 弹性社区一如既往
  • 在过去的两年里,我们的平均保留率达到98%,这表明学生们非常满意
  • 我们被US新闻评为最具创新力大学第5名.
  • 捐赠和参与正在增加.

但还有更多工作要做. 使伯洛伊特全面执行其行动计划, 它必须填补现有的财政缺口,直到入学人数和净学费收入完全反弹.

我们希望最优秀、最聪明的学生能够获得只有贝洛伊特才能提供的体验. 如今,超过99%的贝洛伊特人获得了经济援助——每年近3000万美元. 这种支持是通过学院校友的慷慨提供的, 父母, 朋友们:下层阶级支持下层阶级.

伯洛伊特是威斯康辛州历史最悠久的私立大学, 有了你们的投资,我们将在接下来的175年里屹立不倒.

学生们走过发电站桥. 全身心投入战役标志.


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